Hikers Urban Dictionary
I have seen many a time on the Te ARAROA Facebook pages fellow hikers asking what does this or this stand for. I am not saying that this is the comprehensive dictionary and it tailored slightly to the Te ARAROA, however I will add to the list as I discover more,
Base Weight - The weight of your pack and its contents, excluding consumables (food, water, and fuel).
Bounce Box - A clever method for resupplying during long-distance thru-hikes. A parcel which is continuously mailed ahead (aka, a mail drop) to various points with extra gear, toiletries, clothing, luxury items, and whatever the hiker needs.
Cat Hole - A small hole dug to dispose of human waste when no outhouses are available
Cairn - Stacks of rocks, usually found on a desert trail or at high altitude. They are there to show you the way when signs or painted blazes on trees aren’t an option and are usually found in sparse, rocky landscapes. Because they are used as a navigational tool, hikers should never stack rocks for fun or relaxation in the outdoors.
DOC - Department of Conservation
Free Camp
Great Walks – I have listed below some of the worlds great walks / hikes
a. Te ARAROA 3000Km / 3 – 6 months
b. Pacific Crest Trail 4264Km 4 – 6 months
c. Appalachian Trail
d. Camino de Santiago 780Km / 30 – 35 days
e. Tour du Mont Blanc
f. Continental Divide Trail.
Hikers Midnight (TA) 2030 hrs
Leave No Trace - In essence, it means “Leave it better than you found it”.
NOBO (TA) North Bound
NZ Daylight Savings Start 25/09/2022
PLB – Personal Locator Beacon
SAR - Search and Rescue
SOBO (TA) South Bound
Trail Markers (Blaze)
Trail Name - It appears that this is not a New Zealand thing, however in the USA everybody ends up with a Trail Name
Trail Angel - A kind stranger who helps put a little extra pep in a hikers step during a long trail. Usually in the form of food, water, or unexpected help. Performs acts of Trail Magic.
Trail Magic - Unforeseen or unexpected support while on a long-distance thru-hike
Triple Crown - Hiking all three major National Scenic Trails – Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, and Continental Divide Trail.
Three Seasons - Refers to equipment items that are good for use in Spring, Summer and Fall.
Zero Day - No Kilometres Hiked, normally reserved for Food, Laundry, Shower and Recovery